인터넷2014. 3. 17. 09:55

슈가싱크에서 온 메일

유료버전으로 업그레이드하지 않으면, 슈가싱크에 저장되어 있는 당신의 데이타는 삭제됩니다. ^^

그래 삭제해 버려라!!


Your Trial has Expired - Upgrade Now

Dear ,

Your 90-day free SugarSync trial has expired and your account has been locked. To continue using SugarSync and to access your data, you must upgrade to a paid plan within 7 days. If you do not upgrade, your data stored in SugarSync will be deleted. Upgrade now using the link below to receive 75% off the first year of an Annual Plan.

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